I found these candle sconces at walmart on clearance. I paid $5 for the pair. I added the glass candle holders and the chandelier crystals to dress them up a little more.
A new parade of this and that now displayed on the mantel.
I found this letter M on clearance at Hobby Lobby. I was going to paint it, but I think I'll wait till spring..............I'm still in hibernation mode!
I moved this picture from the boys room to the mantle and the apothecary is full of seashells from last years travels. Going for a bit of a beach theme I suppose. If your wondering why the glass looks broke it's because IT IS! All of my kids had friends over last week and while the boys played quietly, the GIRLS ran around like screaming animals ! Needless to say, my very nice picture with the barn wood frame fell from the mantle and the glass was broke. Booooooo...
Some of my favorite black and white family photos. I love to display family photos. Lots of them!
My favorite barn sale purchase ever!!! My big ole rusty barn star!!!
and last but not least a new urn to help my kitchen utensils look their cutest....and a bowl full of clementines. My kids eat these things like they are going out of style!!!!
The winter actually seems to be going by quickly this year! I'm thankfull for that!! I wish I had more time in my schedule for blogging, but it's hard to juggle it all...I'm sure you know what I mean. I miss getting around to all of your blogs weekly like I used to be able to do!!
Hope you are all having a fabulous weekend!!
love the flower fabric window pain with the picture attached to it. I also WISH i had a hobby lobby.. I want one of those gold large initials! SAD FACE. I love the mantel and your initial gold, I would keep it gold. ;)
Me too! I got bit by the "let's play" bug today and after a trip to Home Goods - I have some new things! They are currently in the garage drying. Yep, spray paint was in order. They just weren't the right color. Of course, did I take "before" pictures? NO! FORGPT! Oh well.
Love your rooster tassel! Isn't it fun to go shopping in our own home and just switch it all around? It feels brand new!
Great post!
HAGD! Karen
Must be the time of year. I spent most of the afternoon weeding out books and rearranging the shelves. How do you dry your hydrangeas? I have several in my yard and would love to preserve some of the blooms.
I love how you decorate, Jen. Everything looks so nice!
It all looks beautiful Jen. I love the "Home Sweet Home" pillow. Funny that it was the girls that caused the ruckus.
EVERYTHING looks beautiful at your home! I love the window with the fabric and think it looks wonderful where you put it, and the "M" on your mantel is so cute! :)
I hope you are having a fun weekend! :) Have a great night!
I love all of the changes you made! All gorgeous. I have been moving things around too and it feels good to see new-old stuff:) Have a blessed day!
Absolutely Love the Rooster Tassle!! Everything looks great....
Love what you've done! I especially love the window and the rooster tassel!
WOW!! I love it all! I mean it~ my heart literally skipped a beat when I saw your stack of dishes. I love Johnson Bros- and since I never recieved any wedding china (Do people not like to give that as a gift anymore? we got married about 3 years ago- I never recieved a single piece off my registry!) I have since focused my attention to transferware that matches my Old Britain Castles.
Also- can you post a tutorial on those tassels?? I missed the day where everone started making them, and am hoping to catch up!! They are so cute~
Love all of your little touches! Isn't it fun to re-do the rooms once all of the holiday stuff is put away. I am just getting started on that, we took the tree down just yesterday. Ha, ha!
I love the old windows! I wish I could find one! I have googled, craigslisted,ebayed can't find any!!!:)
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