OK, so I know I will not be winning the Mother of the year award because YES that is a butcher knife in my 8 year olds hand! I'm thinking I'm probably the only Mother left in the world that does not have the super safe and easy pumpkin carving tools. Maybe I'll pick up a few packages of them this year when they have the after Halloween clearance sales. Of course...that's what I said last year and the year before that!

Don't worry people. There was very close adult supervision here and I even made some of the more difficult cuts.

She drew the face herself.

I think he turned out pretty cute!
One down and five more to go!!
The swine flu has hit our area pretty hard!! It's spreading like wild fire and there have been many school closings. My three have avoided it until tonight when It hit the boy like a ton a bricks!! He was playing football in the yard and came in to tell me that his eyes felt funny. I felt his forehead and he was on fire. I took his temp and it was 103 degrees. So, I'm praying that we don't all start dropping like flies!!
Hope everyone is having a great week!