What's going on in the garden

Hubby is sportin this new hat....

stringing off the beds in VERY straight rows.....

kids are doing their chores.....

Now, Let me introduce you to the beast. This is our 1986 Ford F-150. Let's just call it our garden truck!! I drove this beauty up to the Landscape supply and filled her up with three yards of mulch!!

A view from my front window. Ahhhh....fresh mulch!! Oh, and look at my baby magnolia. She has lots of blooms this year. If you look close, You can see our baby fruit trees off in the distance. I gave them a blanket of fresh mulch too!

Thank you Lord!! Spring has sprung!!!
What's going on in your garden???
you have been busy!
I love my garden but seriously need my mums help as i do not have a clue what is going on with mine...it is pretty but i don't know plants from weeds...(what i thought was a group of nettles was actually mint!!)LOL!
Today, i am setting my hubby onto weeding and clearing up his junk corner :) xx
wonderful landscape, but it will be more so, when those garden plants and trees are in bloom!
its nice that every body is doing their share...
Happy to see you got spring going on Jen. Brings a smile to your face doesn't it?!??!
I was just out in my flowers beds and I have a couple of tiny cucumbers and tomatoes forming. That definitely brings a smile to my face!
wow...you are a busy group of people!!
You have been one busy bee! I know I'm not supposed to covet, but I sooo covet that garden space, lol! May it grow lush and full of yummy veggies :0)
P.S. I call my hubby's 1992 Chevy "Animal". lol!
P.S.S. Thanks for thinking of me when gifting me with that award. I will get to it soon.
My hubs would die for that truck. I love the ole beat up, rusted barely there trucks. They run great. He sold his last one and has been kicking himself since then. I'll just have to find a way to get him another. Can't wait to see pics of your garden producing.
Hi Jen,
Looks like you have the entire fam in on the fun! It's great to get outdoors and do a little digging, isn't it? Yay spring!
It's so nice to be able to get outside and do things. We have planted everything now, and are starting to see things sprout up. It's wonderful!
WOW! You have one big garden...what a bountiful summer you will have.
I am disappointed. I bought my hubby a new hat at Dillards the day before yesterday and did not get a garden :-)
I am soooo impressed! I loved visiting your blog and seeing all your wonderful make-overs. WOW! Your kitchen is just toooo darling and I LOVE your plates on the wall.......I'm a plate gal too! :-) Great job on everything. Isn't it so satisfying when you re-do something on a dime? By the way.....I'm the shop girl here. Hubbs just helps me.... And, gaps are why Dap made CAULK! Use it liberally.......
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