See the bubble on the side of the cabinet below. Well, it's not really a bubble but a large misguided nail!! My bad!! That was another rip my own hair out moment!!!
I think that it has finally dawned on me why hubby gets so crabby when he's working on house projects.
Then I'm on to what you see below. This was my painted counter top. The paint was a quick fix until we actually got around to replacing it. I tore up the counter top today and picked up the tile you see from Lowes. I wanted the look of a solid surface stone on a next to nothing budget. Well this is what I came up with. Tile in Rialto white. It all cost me around $25. I didn't need any other supplies as we already have a tile saw, grout and adhesive. Somewhere down the road I think I will add a more decorative edge to the top of the tiles that make up the back splash and of course replace that faucet. I tried to talk Hubby into it today, but he was having none of it!! LOL.
Oh, and I wanted to show you my bargain find of the week! I have wanted buffet lamps for forever, but didn't want to spend the money on them. Well, I was picking up some groceries at Walmart and I always have to do a quick up and down through the housewares department. Glad I did this time because they had these Better Homes and Gardens buffet lamps clearanced out for five dollars a piece!! I think that they look pretty darn nice for five bucks!!
I have also been rearranging as usual. I moved the kids silhouettes from above the couch to this smaller wall.
And hung my barn star above the couch. I'm not sure If I like it there. It seems a bit boring.

I used to have a mirror hanging where you see the picture below. When I moved the mirror I had to put something in its place because there is a big hole in the wall there where a sconce used to hang. Well, I could use a little advice on how to arrange things around this hole because it's driving me CRAZY!
I feel like I just rambled on like a crazy lady, but this is what has been happening around here over the past few days. I'm so glad the weekend is here and I can make my rounds and visit all of you lovely ladies and your blogs!!
I used to have a mirror hanging where you see the picture below. When I moved the mirror I had to put something in its place because there is a big hole in the wall there where a sconce used to hang. Well, I could use a little advice on how to arrange things around this hole because it's driving me CRAZY!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Not boring... lonely.. need more stuff. :)
You doing good work. Home improvements are hard and tedious. You must be patient patient patient.. then hire help :)
No you'll get it just fine. Even pros use caulking to hide minor flaws. You did well.
Woman! You are an awesome do-it-yourselfer! And my next little trip is going to be to walmart to look for those lamps! That is the find of the month! Good job!
Oh I bet you will be glad to be officially finished with the cabinets. I think you did a great job. Now I will be interested to see what you do with that bathroom countertop.
Oh, you are doing a fabulous job...that caulking the corners that don't meet..believe me, no one EVER notices things like that and we ALL have to caulk or something. Yours looks great!!
Jen, I am so impressed you are doing all this yourself! Your cabinets look great and no one will notice the flaws that you've pointed out. Oh, I just love those lamps. What a deal!
You are an industrious woman! That tile is going to look great! What a deal on those lamps!
yes, those lamps are pretty and at a bargain price!
i wonder though when this house improvement will come to an end. you seem to see new project even before the other is over, hahaha!
Oh Jen you did a fabulous job, it all looks fabulous
These are the kinds of posts that I love! Seeing all your projects is very inspiring! You are quite the talented do-it-yourselfer (if that's a word!) Wow! The molding looks great and now tile?!? I had to laugh about the comment, now you know why your hubby gets so cranky doing projects around the house! Those lamps are a crazy good deal! Beautiful.
Good job on using those power tools! Caulk is my best friend!
I love the tea pot in the above post.. and the new molding
on the cabinets too. I have been wanting to do this to my kitchen for awhile also....
You have been busy! I love how the crown moulding looks in your kitchen! :) And how cool~ a new bathroom counter! And how can you beat the price! :)
I LOVE all of your decorating! The plates looks beautiful, and so do your buffet lamps. And what an amazing price, too! If you put other things with it, I think it will look fantastic! It is a cute metal star. :)
I hope you have a good night! :)
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