Well, it's a brand new year!! A Brand new year always means a brand new list of projects that I would like to accomplish around the house. Projects done on the cheap of course!! Our home is for sale, but that certainly doesn't stop my mind from dreaming up things I could do to add some much needed character!!

First on my list is to add some decorative trim work to the walls in our living room.

I'm picturing something like this, but with soft blue walls like the beautiful bedroom below. Isn't this bedroom beautiful!!!

I like the beaded board in this room, but I think I'm leaning more toward the board and batten look.

This is my favorite photo so far and I think this is exactly the look I want, but I want the paneling to be higher...possibly three quarters of the way up the wall.

It adds so much character and warmth to a room!!!

So many possibilities! Now if I could only make up my mind!

Second on my list is our laundry/mud room. It's a teeny tiny space and it's completely visible from our kitchen. We have new front loaders that are very attractive, but I still don't want to have to look at them all the time.

I would like to add a counter top over them and then skirt the front of them with a cute and frilly fabric.

MMMM...I'd love to have a laundry room as big as this one!!

I love this shabby green cabinet!! I wish my laundry cabinet was as organized as that. It definitely inspires me to make organization number three on my list of New Years projects!

This is my favorite inspiration photo. It almost looks like they used and old table to top the washer and dryer, or maybe they just added the legs??? I love it and I love the cute little curtains. Definitely the look I'm going for.

I had also thought about bi fold doors like the ones pictured below, but I think I'm definitely stuck on the cute little curtains!
Now if only I could muster up some motivation!! These extra pounds packed on during the holidays and this cold weather have put me in hibernation mode!!!
Hope everyones New Year is off to a great start!!!