I'm not complaining, I'm just saying...It's the middle of August and 65 degrees!!! Indeed, this has been the coolest summer that I can remember!! So, rather than feel sorry for myself because we don't have a red tomato in sight!! I thought I'd post some inspirational fall photos, to take my mind of the fact that the cilantro has been ready for weeks, but due to the lack of ripe tomatoes there will be no fresh salsa any time soon!!! We do have plenty of pumpkins!

Hope you all had a nice weekend!!
photos -BHG and Country Living
what beautiful photos!! xoxox
Beautiful fall photos, 65 degrees here this morning also! Have a blessed day!
I am so ANTICIPATING fall..... and the decor that will soon spread it's self all around my home. I haven't been able to decorate since Easter, minus a few 4th of July things... so I am so excited for FALL. Thanks for sharing these great fall photo, love them!
P.S. I would make salsa in fall it wouldn't matter to me ;)
Gad-Zooks...... I don't want it to be Fall here in NE Pa. cause' shortly behind Fall is S-N-O-W!!!
(Love you pics!!)
We had a cool summer, too. I love those photos...really puts me in the mood for fall.
I love those photos!
Makes me want Fall/Autumn to come quicker!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Those are lovely fall photos of up north. I love seeing them, as that is not what you see down here in tropical FL. Thanks for the fall inspiration.
Oh to have your cool temps would be heavenly. It is 81 around 8:30 p.m.
It's actually called Autumn....LOL
I love it, can't wait!!!XXX
It's still so hot here, and humid lately too, but it does feel like fall just because the kids are back at school.
Salsa is great but pumpkin pie is even better!
Beautiful Fall pix, love all of the color. Sandi
Pretty pics, Jen! I love the lights with fall decor. I hope to do that this year.
We've had a cool Summer, too! so weird! ♥
Hey Jen, I love this "Fall feeling" weather we are having. This has been a terribly hot and humid summer for us. Unfortunately we know the heat will be back soon.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Love the photos!! Fall cannot come quick enough!!
Oh' thanks for the sweet sweet comment. I am also glad my pic. of my teething baby entertained you and the hubs. it is a pretty funny pic. of him wailing. LOL! stop by any time! ;)
Those pics are lovely. I love Autumn too. x
Absolutely stunning outdoor design work and photos :)
I'm jealous..
Do I love this! or Do I love this!.., Honestly, i adore your blog!.., Thanks for becoming a follower of my silken Purse blog also, as I am of your awesome masterpieceI! I'll be back again and again and yet again, no doubt!.., You're an inspiration.., Cheers and blessings
You have created such passion in these pictures, pushing nostalgia to the limit.......
I don't know about you but we are ready for fall!!!...It has been the hottest summer ever!
Our tomatoes stop setting fruit when it gets hot so we haven't had any in a while. He planted a few plants a month ago but I doubt if they make.
There'e always next year!..right?
65? Wow! And I thought we were "cool" at 90, lol! We just got the forecast that summer is blazing back in with a vengeance though. We're in the mid to high 90s all week then BAM we'll hit 100 by the weekend. Ugh! I'm so over summer and want autumn here and it's 80s temps. I'll be one happy girl then.
Wanted to ask you if your plates stayed adhered to the wall with the hot glue? I've a few small ones I'd like to hang up but hate the thought of nail holes and the 3M products won't hold the plate. Also did you notice if the glue messed the paint in any way? Thanks!
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