Here are the sunflowers in all their glory...a sure sign of the end of the gardening season.
Pumpkins are ripe for picking.
And we have potatoes coming out of our ears!!
This is the first year that we have grown potatoes and I'm so glad that we did!! We hope to have enough to get us through the winter. What better food to get you through those cold winter months right?? To me, potatoes are the ultimate comfort food!!
We have all these babies stored away in a cold room in the basement. We'll see how well and how long they keep.

When you grow your own food it really forces you to be creative and try some new recipes that otherwise you probably would not. We have fallen in love with mashed potatoes with kale and garlic!! MMMMMM...we have also been eating allot of potato soup!

When you grow your own food it really forces you to be creative and try some new recipes that otherwise you probably would not. We have fallen in love with mashed potatoes with kale and garlic!! MMMMMM...we have also been eating allot of potato soup!
Having this garden has cut our grocery bill nearly in half and even more important are all of the health benefits that have come along with eating so many fruits and veggies!! This has truly been a blessing!!
Oh, and I must mention that my oldest took a deer this weekend. Tomorrows menu...venison steak, potatoes and veggie casserole!
Is it legal to help yourselves to deer? Suppose it must be there! How come you don't keep chickens? I feel curious this morning! XXX
Hi Jen,
I am always amazed by your garden pictures! Love the sunflowers and that IS a lot of potatoes you have there! And wow, that is amazing that your son caught a deer! We had venison in beef stroganoff (I had never had venizon before) and I was SO surprised at how good it was! :)
I hope you are having a wonderful week! :)
Oh, you lucky gal! I love potatoes too! YOu could make some soup and try to freeze it~ and also, premashed potatoes freeze well. Try a sample batch first. I'm glad to see other venison eaters out there- we had elk tonight, and now I'm not worried to say so! Let me know if you have any great recipes!
I love potatoes too, especially in soup! How wonderful to have that garden and spend less at the store!
I love your garden, its so wonderful how much food you produce. Can't say I like the idea of eating a deer, I don't think I could wrap my mind around eating Bambi or taking Bambi out, no offense. Its just that deer are so sweet and gentle. But then again, I'm mostly vegetarian. Can you feel the animal lover in me. Well I respect that you get your own meat and eat it, I guess thats why I"m mostly tofu, its hard for me to stomach. Anyhow enjoy the fruits of your labor.
wow, such produce! and you're right, eating vege you have grown yourself add to the taste. i'm feeling hungry as i read your post... better get my self a snack, hahaha!
Many years ago when we lived in the country &we lived off the land too. I was much younger then & so was DH. Now we live in town & we garden for fun not food!! I really miss it...
Have a Wonderful Day!!
I was raised on a farm where most all the food came from the garden. Hats off to you for growing your own groceries. Have a blessed day!
Happy Harvest! We just had potato soup this week and it was perfect because it was so cool outside. We like ham bits and cheese sprinkled on top...yummmmm. Congratulations to your son on the deer. What a blessing to know where all your food is coming from.
How fun to see those pumpkins peeking out from under the foliage.
You certainly got lots of wonderful veggies Jen. That's great that it has cute down your grocery bill. Wish I had a big area like that to have a garden.
Your family garden is so inspiring!
Hi Jen,
That is wonderful that your harvest has gone so well. We are eating tomatoes and cucumbers from ours and enjoying every bit of them. The spaghetti squash is yum too. Your potato harvest is surely a blessing to your little family. I can't think of a vegetable I love more than potatoes, but then I am from Idaho, after all.
that looks great. I really must get Steven to do me a veggie patch next year! the sunflowers and brilliant! xoxox
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