This bedroom makes me want to take a nap. What could be more soothing than blue and white??

Daisies in a blue vase...makes me long for summer.

Not so sure I could live with a blue sofa...but in looks lovely in this room.

I love all the different shades in this room...and the green accents.

Who wouldn't love to have breakfast at this bright and cheery table???

Love these buffalo check chairs. I think this blue might be brighter than my blue kitchen.

~Photos..Cottage Living~
That's all folks. I have been digging through my inspiration file and thought I'd share some photos. Sorry that they are so small, but I think you get the idea. Not much new here. Hubby and I made a trip to Lowes today while the kids were in school. I picked out a new track light for the kitchen to replace the horrible eye sore that currently resides there. After Lowes, we stopped for pizza. Now that's my kinda date!!
Hope everyone is having a great week!!