Another Hobby Lobby pit stop!! It's getting to be a bad habit. I tried to drive right on by, but somehow, someway, my foot always hits that brake peddle and my van always makes it's way to that right turning lane!! Darn it!!

I found this adorable little sign....

I loved the color and the detail...especially the cute little bird. I loved the price even more!! I payed a
whoppin $3.50.

I added the ribbon....

and I found a very nice place for it to look adorable!!
I also picked up another bunny to add to my spring collection. With the half off sale, I payed $5.

Now for my latest bright idea...or we will find out anyway!! I ran across a very charming blog called Southern Hospitality where she gives a tutorial on adding picture frame moulding to your wall to give it a
recessed paneled type look. Did that make sense???

Mind you, I have never used a power tool in my life, but I am always eager to learn!! I plan to start with the chair rail, which should be easy enough as this is a very small room. Small room=few cuts in this case. The only thing that I am still a bit hesitant on is the doorways. As you can see they are not trimmed out and I have no plans to do so...therefore I will need to learn how to do a mitered return??? Trial and error I'm sure it will be!!! Wish me luck!!

Off to watch the
Have a great night!!
Love the sign...the color is fabulous. We don't have a Hobby Lobby in Minneapolis. I checked out their website and we have 2 stores about 45 minutes to an hour away. There may be a road trip in my future.
Love the sign, and adore the Waltons! Forget the power tools....what about the glue gun?!
Goodnight Johnboy!
Tracey x x x
The sign is very cute and I cannot wait to see how you do with that molding. We don't have a Hobby Lobby anywhere near by but visiting all these blogs and seeing how many of you mention how great that place is, makes me wish we had one here...maybe it's a good thing we don't as I would be broke all the time, lol!
Have a great day!
OH! forgot to say I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THE WALTONS!!!
It's 5:30 a.m. I'm half asleep, but laughing my @#@! off!!
Why didn't I think of it myself. Your a genius!! I'll pick up a few extra glue sticks while I'm out today!! LOL
your house is so neat...!
i wish i can whisk you to see my place and give you sleepless nights as you will be afraid the image will haunt you in your sleep, hahaha!
Great sign and great price. We don't have a Hobby Lobby in CT but I've been to one in CO. I should be glad they are not near me for my budget! You are very creative ... I looked down at some of your posts. Good luck with the chair rail. I just had my husband (who is a plumber, not a carpenter) install a beadboard ceiling and trim in the bathroom. All I had to do was paint it!
You paid only $3.50 for the sign?!?!? It's adorable. What a great bargain. Love finding bargains like that!
Oh I love the Waltons too. Use to watch it all the time.
Great find at Hobby Lobby! I ALWAYS find something in there I "Need"!
Love your home, blog and the Walton's Oh my... a standby for me!!!
Have A Blessed Day!!!
Just A Gal...
Oh I love Hobby Lobby! Especially those half off sales. :) Love the Waltons too.
Did you know you are the grand prize winner? That's right! Congrats, Jen! Please email me your contact info at
Ooooh! I love that little sign! Great find!
Have a great day!
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