Yes, our home is currently for sale and has been for just over a year. It's so frustrating and I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but just look at her. We keep in touch with the owner and the good news is that she currently rents it out. It seems like she is in no hurry to sell and so I hope this beauty will still be waiting once our house sells.

It's so hard not knowing where you will be in the spring. Especially since we have big plans for our gardens this year. Sigh....
Hope everyone is well. It's freezing here in my neck of the woods!!
Its an amazing house! I do hope you get it....
Love Tracey xxx
Oh I LOVE that house! I do hope your dreams come true!
That house looks like it has so much potential. I hope it works out for you - stay warm! :)
OH...GOODNESS...I'm lovin' this house, too. Are you still trying to get it? I can just picture it when it's done!
It's good to know there's someone out there other than me that loves and adores old houses like this. Most people look at you like you're NUTSO!
(I'm enjoying your archives!)
Happy Sunday!
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